CNR - Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie (IFN) is recognized worldwide for developing ultrafast laser sources, XUV and soft-X instrumentation, and advanced spectroscopic approaches for studying light-matter interaction.
The Trento headquarters of CNR-IFN is located within the premises of Fondazione Bruno Kessler as established through a formal collaboration agreement that is in place since 2009.
The strong and longstanding scientific collaboration is the basis for the sharing of infrastructure, equipment and human resources in specific fields of photonics, namely: development and optical characterization of photonics materials and structures; development and realization of optical devices for sensing and applications in the energy and circular economy fields; high sensitivity detectors at the thermal noise limit.
In addition to fabrication, the facility offers testing and analytical laboratories for materials and device characterization, packaging, and integration laboratories for developing full systems at different technology readiness levels (TRLs).
Via della Cascata 56/C - Trento - Italy
By train: Trento can be reached by train. Tickets and timetables can be found at
By Bus: Bus lines to reach FBK:
Bus stop at Povo: “Facoltà di Scienze” or ” Piazza Manci”, both 10 minute-walks from FBK.
By Taxi: Taxi service is right outside the Railway station (Tel. +39-0461-235383) or you can call Radio Taxi service (Tel. +39-0461-930002).