Advanced Characterization and Fine Analysis / Optical and luminescence spectroscopy
Through dispersive analysis of inelastically scattered radiation, Raman spectroscopy provides a powerful means to access vibrational modes in condensed matter, yielding complementary information to IR spectroscopy. In a confocal back-scatter geometry through a microscope objective, µ-scale resolution can be obtained from a dielectric sample
Inelastic scattering of radiation occurring in the Raman effect is a process where energy is transferred to/from the optical field to molecular or crystal vibrations in a mechanism mediated by the structural parameters’ dependent polarizability. Raman spectroscopy is a widespread technique owing to the fact it can be applied with essentially no need for sample preparation, providing fast non-destructive information on chemical or crystallographic structure. Raman signal can be obtained from a sample embedded in a transparent medium, thus a strong potential for in-operando characterization is inherent with the technique and contributes to its continuous growth in applied science.
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