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Advanced Characterization and Fine Analysis / Electron, Ion and photon beam microscopy


The JEOL JEM-F200 is a state-of-the-art transmission electron microscope (TEM) designed for high-resolution imaging and analysis. Equipped with a Cold Field Emission Gun (FEG), it enables atomic-level resolution, making it suitable for detailed structural analysis of materials at the nanoscale. The microscope is equipped with multiple detectors, including double 120 mm2 windowless Silicon Drift Detectors for Energy-Dispersive x-ray Spectroscopy analysis (EDS) allowing detection of light elements EDS microanalysis system energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) detectors in bright field (bright field i.e. BF, annular bright field i.e. ABF) and dark field (annular dark field i.e. ADF, high angle annular dark field i.e. HAADF).

It is a powerful tool for materials science, nanotechnology, and various fields requiring detailed structural and compositional analysis at the atomic level. Point resolution of 0.23 nm at 200kV in TEM mode. The EDS system control software enables elemental mapping, qualitative and quantitative analysis of spectra and maps.

The available Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) attachment coupled with EDS can be used to obtain chemical profiles with high spatial resolution.

Sample preparation facility for (S)TEM

  • Precision cutting tool for TEM sample preparation
  • Disc grinder (Gatan, Inc) for TEM sample preparation
  • Dimple grinder system for pre-thinning (Gatan, Inc)
  • Precision ion polishing system (PIPS) (Gatan, Inc) with Cryo attachment
  • Optical microscopes
  • Plasma cleaner
  • C and Au Sputter coater

TEM Specimen Holders

  • Tomography TEM holder
  • Single/double tilt holder

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