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Advanced Characterization and Fine Analysis / Optical and luminescence spectroscopy


The cathodoluminescence (CL) tool is integrated onto a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a field emission gun source. The source operates with an energy range of 2-30 keV, enabling spatial resolution down to a few nm. Luminescence spatial resolution can further vary from 10 nm to hundreds of nanometers depending on the chosen electron beam energy and the material being analyzed. It can be used for analysis of material properties (charge carrier recombination, electronic transition) and detection of defects or impurities. The samples are mounted on a sample holder, an intra-column optical collection system coupled with a dispersive spectrometer and two detectors permits the spectral analysis of luminescence emission from 350 nm to 1500 nm. This system offers a way to extract spatially resolved electronic and/or optical properties of luminescent material and devices.

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