The user/user group declares to accept the following

With respect to the submission of proposals within NFFA-DI, the Access Review Panel (ARP) has the right to evaluate and rank the users’ proposals as they view best fitting the established evaluation criteria. The decisions of the ARP are final and non-negotiable.

With respect to the granting of access to specific installation sites, the Technical Liaison Network (TLNet) has the right to select and assign to the awardees the sites they view best fitting according to feasibility checks and to internal rules of fair distribution of access among NFFA-DI access providers. The decisions of the TLNet are final and non-negotiable.

Inquiries or disputes surrounding the decisions of the committees will not in any way be considered.

An application for optimized access scheduling in case of acceptance of other open access grants for complementary work on same scientific topic (such as beam time at a large Scale Facility co-located with NFFA-DI sites), or the expression of a preference for a specific NFFA-DI site, do not in any way imply a commitment or obligation whatsoever on the part of the NFFA-DI or its governing bodies.

By submitting an application or any request or by entering the premises of any NFFA-DI Operational Units, the user/user groups agree to the present Terms and Conditions as stated above and confirm and certify that all information provided to NFFA-DI is true and accurate, and that they undertake to respect all NFFA-DI and national rules and regulations, also in point of safety rules.

The call is open also to researchers working at NFFA-DI nodes BUT access must be carried out in an operational unit other than the one to which the researcher belongs.

Revisions to Terms of User Agreement
NFFA-DI may revise at any time the terms of this Agreement without notice.