Advanced Characterization and Fine Analysis / Electron, Ion and photon beam microscopy
SPELEEM microscope uses low-energy electron as information carriers. Unlike scanning microscopy, electrons are collected simultaneously from an illuminated area of several tens of micrometers. The image formed by the magnification lenses can be acquired even in video-rate. SPELEEM is capable of combining microscopy, spectroscopy and diffraction to obtain a comprehensive characterization of conductive and semiconductive samples from the meso- to the nanoscale. Thanks to its versatility, SPELEEM can be employed to study model systems in the fields of nanotechnology, material science, catalysis, energy storage, organic and inorganic thin films, and low-dimensional materials.
SPELEEM is equipped with an hemispherical energy analyzer and two complemetary illumination sources - an electron gun and a He I/II UV lamp. Using the UV lamp, the following operational modes are available.
Using an electron gun, LEEM mode can be implemented in the same instrument.
SPELEEM experimental facility can accommodate conductive and semiconductive samples hosted by Elmitec and Flag-style sample holders. Heating stages are provided in the microscope chamber and in the preparation chamber. Other equipment available includes a gas line with precision leak valves, e-beam evaporator, preparation chamber with noble-gas sputtering, fast entry lock for sample loading.