Workshop: Growth of epitaxial thin films and multilayers by pulsed laser deposition, with real-time and in-situ monitoring of the process and post-deposition analyses

Date: 10 July 2024 | Events

The online Workshop Growth of epitaxial thin films and multilayers by pulsed laser deposition, with real-time and in-situ monitoring of the process and post-deposition analyses will take place on July 10, 2024. The Workshop is part of the specific actions of the NFFA-DI Project.

The organization of the day is foreseen in the WP8 of NFFA-DI (dedicated to training), deliverable 8.2, Workshop 8_7 and is also functional to WP5 (community building). It is part of the organization of thematic workshops, addressed to the internal staff of the infrastructure of all nodes and to potential users, aimed at promoting widespread training on the technical-scientific topics of reference for NFFA-DI.

This Workshop is also designed for users external to the NFFA-DI Network, who deal with the issues of growth by PLD and in-situ and ex-situ characterization of thin films, heterostructures or membranes, in order to establish or strengthen the national and international collaborations of the CNR-SPIN with the scientific community interested in "freestanding oxide membranes".

Online participation:

Link to the workshop on-line

Organizer and member of the NFFA-DI strategic committee: Alessia Sambri

Event details


10 July 2024


